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Under Armour Desafio 395 Soccer BallThis was followed by much more dark years for science in the 1990s, when researchers were hugely underpaid. Scientists have been regarded as disposable. The typical salary of a scientist was US$50 per month — and there was another wave of brain drain at that time,” says Barañao. Then there was the default of 2001, which affected the complete country, not just science. The principal effect on science was the loss in acquisition energy of the Argentinian peso, for purchasing goods valued in foreign currency, and for degradation of salaries,” says physicist Ingo Allekotte, deputy project manager at the Pierre Auger Observatory, an astrophysics experiment in Malargue, Mendoza province, which hunts for the origin of high-energy cosmic rays.
Right after gains in the weeks leading up to the default on speculation a deal would be reached, the country’s sovereign debt had lost 7 percent this …
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