Tips For Starting Your Personal Clothing Line

Tips For Starting Your Personal Clothing Line

At times you check out those designer dresses, then their cost tags, and feel “The dress has to have cost the designer considerably significantly less than what he/she is demanding. Apparently, this small business offers huge profit margins, why not initiate my own clothing line?” Chances are that the concept of starting your personal clothing line should have crossed your thoughts at some point of time and that is not a terrible notion at all, especially when you have got some aesthetic sense and if you are typically having the admiration for the dressing sense from the individuals around you. However, starting a clothing line is not as simple as it may sound. True that at the end of the day, it’s just designing some clothes and getting hold of a place to display these dresses. In reality, you have to do a lot of planning, financing and hard work …

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Starting a Clothing Line - What Was I Thinking?

Starting a Clothing Line – What Was I Thinking?

About 5 years ago I was feeling more than a little restless. I was 6 years out of college and had been in the same job for all of those. I enjoyed what I was doing, but I felt I wasn’t truly pursuing what I was passionate about. Two things were nagging at me in the back of my mind; I wanted to start my own business, and I wanted it to be fashion related.

I threw around a series of ideas with my soon to be business partner, and all of them kept coming back to “we should start our brand”. Sure, why wouldn’t a couple of wet-behind-the-ears 27-year-old with zero fashion industry experience start a brand? It’s the most natural thing, right? We didn’t take any business classes in college, but I’m pretty sure that “start a business in an arena you know nothing about” isn’t one of …

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