Understanding Baseball Rules: Runner Interference

Understanding Baseball Rules: Runner Interference

In the game of baseball, runner interference is a crucial aspect that both players and fans need to comprehend. This form of interference occurs when a runner hinders the defensive player’s ability to make a play. It is important to understand the rules surrounding this topic, as it can greatly impact the outcome of a game.

Definition of Runner Interference

Runner interference occurs when a base runner impedes, hinders, or obstructs a defensive player from executing a play. It can happen in various situations, such as during a relay throw, a tag attempt, or a double play attempt. The objective of these rules is to ensure fair play and protect the defensive player’s ability to make a play.

Types of Runner Interference

  1. Physical Interference: This is the most common form of runner interference, where the runner physically obstructs the defensive player. It could include actions like intentionally bumping into a
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